Beyond Aspirations,
We Offer
Tangible Solutions


Empowering Travel Businesses

We provide year-round access to practical tools, resources, expertise and best practices to help organisations proactively build inclusive cultures and practices, from diverse teams to inclusive policies.
Building awareness & education.


Elevating Diversity & Inclusion

We champion representation at all levels, driving initiatives that shatter glass ceilings and ensure inclusive workplaces where everyone thrives, regardless of background, experience, or identity.

Inclusive Travel

We advocate for accessible and universally designed travel, ensuring everyone can participate in the joy of exploration, from barrier-free and discrimination-free destinations to inclusive marketing and content.

Celebrating Diverse

We amplify untold stories and perspectives, ensuring the travel industry reflects the vibrant tapestry of travellers and showcases real world experiences, so we can challenge and celebrate the industry and all its diversity.

Challenging Unconscious Bias & Microaggressions

We offer training and support to help organizations recognize and address unconscious bias and microaggressions in the workplace and during travel experiences.

Recognising & Rewarding Progress

We shine a light on champions of inclusivity, recognising organisations and individuals who lead the way in creating a more equitable travel landscape.

Key Themes
Focus Areas

The Inclusive Travel Forum is committed to addressing key challenges and promoting positive change within the travel industry by focusing on the following themes and focus areas:

Recruitment & Retention

We aim to support travel organizations in creating inclusive recruitment and retention practices that attract and retain diverse talent.

Inclusive Leadership

Leadership plays a critical role in driving DEI initiatives and creating a culture of inclusion. We offer support to help leaders develop inclusive leadership skills.

Inclusive Language

We recognize the power of language in shaping perceptions and fostering inclusivity. Our forum provides guidance on using inclusive language, challenging harmful stereotypes, and addressing banter that perpetuates bias and exclusion.

Inclusive Marketing & Representation

Representation matters in travel marketing and branding. We work with organizations to ensure their marketing materials, imagery, and messaging reflect the diversity of their target audience

Become a Founding Member

Together, we can create a future of inclusivity and equity within the travel industry, resulting in increased productivity, higher retention rates, elevated customer satisfaction, and unparalleled loyalty.

Join our existing members today. Be part of the movement.

• Unlimited access to the Forum Resource Hub, online community & 5 exclusive annual events

• Get first 3 months free

• Annual membership tiered based on company size.

Activate your membership and access our tiered membership packages by emailing:

Everyone should be able to access inclusivity resources. Join the Inclusive Travel Forum’s free, private LinkedIn Group and be part of a community dedicated to creating an inclusive travel industry.